Code[VB] | Project Blackout Public Menue VIP | 06/11/11
- W
- A
- S
- D
- Spamer
- Spamer Speed
- Spamer Text
- Crosshair
- GameScreenSice
- KillKey
- KillGameNow
- MoveMenue
- NoBGpicture
- Aimbot (closed > sory, it´s to buggi > will fix it)
- Hotkey F1 = Clock
- Hotkey F2 = FPS
- Hotkey F3 = Credits
- Features W,A,S,D are keys that the bot is pressing while you are afk (maybe only use one of these and not more then one mixed
- SpamerSpeed you can chose the speed (1x / 2x / 3x ) 3x is the fastest
- Spamtext you can chose the line in the PBvip(v.2.0).ini [spamtext area in the ini
- Crosshair (you can chose 7 different crosshairs)
- GameScreenSice = chose youre ScreenSice that the crosshair is center
- KillKey (F9 / F10 / L / U) = if you aktivate one of this you can press the key and you leaf the game
- KillGameNow = turn On and you will leaf the game
- MoveMenue ( you know)
- NoBGpicture (try it out )
- Aimbot (sory but this is to buggi / sometimes it take the false people so i have to fix it and will come in the next release)
How to use:
- run the .exe (vista and windows 7 as admin!!!)
- klick “ok” on the pob up message
- it will create a PBvip(v.2.0).ini file (later more)
- run the game now, ingame press “INSERT” to show/hide menue and “Delete” to kill the full hack!
If not work try to install net.framework 4.0!
Net.framework 4.0
Be sure you run the exe as admin!
Virus Scan:If not work try to install net.framework 4.0!
Net.framework 4.0
Be sure you run the exe as admin!
PB_VIP_Menue.rar – Jottis Malwarescanner
VirusTotal – Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner
Download Link:
- 11.06.2011 = v.2.0 (VIP) / old hack was detected / new features
- 28.05.2011 = v.1.4 / old hack was detected
- 24.05.2011 = v.1.3 / anti leech online added / feature: spamer advanced added / old hack was detected
- 18.05.2011 = v.1.1 / fix injection / old hack was detected / more features coming very soon!
- 09.05.2011 = first release to test / update coming very soon! /normaly release 10.05.2011