Project Blackout Public Menu Hack (Updated 5.29.2011)

Project Blackout Public Menu Hack (Updated 5.29.2011)
Code[VB] | Point Blank Public Menue | 05/28/11

Status: Undetected
-Ran.AFK Bot
-Crosshair (8x)
-Panic Key (turn all features “off”)
-Close PointBlank
-SuperGameKillKey (aktivate F9 to close PointBlank)
-Spamer advanced NEW!(spam in lobby or ingame while afk but not with the together!)
How to use:
1. run the exe as admin! (if windows 7 or vista)
2. run project blackout!
3. ingame or lobby press “INSERT” to show/hide menue!
4. press “DELETE” to kill the menue!
5. ~~~ happy using! ~~~
6  how to use spamer advanced:
if you run the exe the first time, there will be created a PointBlankCONFIG.ini there you can edit the text in the line where you can see the red arrow!

1. install net.framework 4.0 (google it!)
2. if you have questions PM me!
Virus Scan:

VirusTotal – Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner

Point Blank v.1.0.rar – Jottis Malwarescanner

Download Link:

- 28.05.2011 = v.1.0 / first release PointBlank Hack