[Minecraft 1.7.3] ItemSprite API v1.2

ItemSpriteAPI is a mod that, when used by modders, will remove the use of ModLoader’s ‘item sprite overrides’, and will allow the utilization of the GL11 system and allows for new items.png files to be created. This mod is fairly small, and only modifies two mostly unused files, ItemRenderer(ra.class) and RenderItem(bb.class).
Examples for Modders
public class mod_RegenOres extends BaseMod

    public mod_RegenOres()
        ironNugget = (new ItemTexture(ironNuggetID, "/regen-ores/items.png")).setIconCoord(12,2).setItemName("ironNugget");
        goldNugget = (new ItemTexture(goldNuggetID, "/regen-ores/items.png")).setItemName("ironNugget");
        goldNugget.iconIndex = 43;
        //Note that the ironNugget is in place of the iron door, and goldNugget is in place of the wooden door if these items were using the original /gui/items.png file.
It is extremely easy to create an item that will use a new items.png-type image file with ItemSprite API. Simply use 'ItemTexture', and declare the path of the items.png-type file, then use '.setIconCoord(int i, int j)' to declare the position on the file. You may also use the 'blockIndexInTexture' method to declare the position, as seen with the goldNugget. Using this method will NOT use any item sprites, meaning you can have unlimited* numbers of items.

* - Here, unlimited means 32,000, the max item limit.

In this example, I will show you how to convert an Item file to use the same method as ItemCT.
Here is the custom Item file that we are dealing with:*/
public class ItemHoe extends Item
    implements IItemTexture
    public ItemHoe(int i, EnumToolMaterial enumtoolmaterial)
        maxStackSize = 1;

    public String getTextureFile()
        return "/regen-ores/items.png";
As you can see, I am using a modified ItemHoe (removed some code so it isn't as lengthy). Notice line #2, and notice the 'getTextureFile()' method as well. This is all you must add to create a custom item that will use a custom items.png-type file!
Download Link:


Version History
v1.2 - First public release. Fixed render texture obtained from the ItemRenderer.class (handles item textures that appear in the player's hand.
v1.1 - Now uses an Interface for texture paths, instead of altering Item.class.
v1.0 - Initial release, for Beta 1.7.3.