[Minecraft 1.7.3] Conveyor Belts Mod v3.7

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Conveyor Belts= Automate your world! =Version 3.7 for Minecraft 1.7.3
It can:
  • Move mobs, items and players

  • Stuff chests, dispensers and furnaces (smartly)

  • Eject items from chests

  • Eject smelting products from furnaces

  • Automatically craft items – great for factories

  • Separate and filter items

  • Detect items & mobs like pressure plate

  • Prevent items from despawning. This is useful for very long conveyors.

  • Prevent items from falling down.

  • Conveyor move a little bit slower than player, but if you walk on it, you will move twice faster than usual (using both velocities together).

  • Use sneaking to safely walk on conveyor without being pushed.

Building the conveyor
  • Place the conveyor tile in the direction you want it to go (forwards, from you).

  • Hold left control (ctrl) to build in the opposite direction, is is good for building item ejectors and other stuff.

  • Unlike rails, conveyors can be placed freely in the air, and even above each other, making it possible to create multi-storey item conveyors.

  • Conveyor belts can be pushed by pistons, and will not change the direction.

  • Conveyors are waterproof. You can build them underwater, like ladders.

Conveyor belt types
  • Conveyor Belt
    Basic conveyor belt, can carry items and mobs, and stuff items into the nearby furnaces, dispensers and chests. It can access even chests etc. above and below the conveyor.

  • Item Ejection Belt
    Power it with redstone to eject smelting products from furnace, or eject one (first found) slot from surrounding chests. This means that if there are 64 stones in one slot, it will eject them all. For double chests, you should build one ejector for each part.
    This belt will be powered even if the active redstone is under it, which is great for long lines of ejectors.
    Important: It is triggered by impulse (button, pressure plate or a detection belt), it isn’t sufficient to power it with a redstone torch or lever.

  • Item Detector Belt
    Works like the basic belt, and has a pressure plate, which can detect any items or mobs. You can connect it in similar way like then ordinary pressure plates or detector rails.
    It can be used to activate piston elevators, but you’ll need some space and at least two delayers.
    In the recipe, you can also use wooden pressure plate with the same result.

  • Conveyor Brake
    If this conveyor belt isn’t powered by redstone, it works like the basic one.
    If you power it, it will stop all carried items and mobs.
    This one is useful for launcher pads, or to control flow of your goods.

  • Item Separator Belt
    This tile lets you separate items. place it in the default direction (where not matching stuff should go), and right click it. This will show a filtering GUI with two 3×3 areas. These two inventories should contain specimens of the filtered items.
    You can fill in as many items as you want, and you can also use only one half if you wish.

  • Item Redirection Belt 
    This belt will redirect items to side if it’s powered by redstone. It will choose the side on which it finds other conveyor belt, and if the belt is on both sides, it will redirect items to the right-hand side.
    This tile can be powered from underneath.

  • Automatic Workbench
    This is the most useful block in this mod.
    It is great for factories and fast crafting of large amounts of items.

    • When you build the workbench, it will be oriented towards you, but you can reverse the direction by holding left control.

    • Automatic Workbench can be stuffed by conveyor belts either from side or from above.
      You can also insert items using the gui.

    • The crafting products will be ejected through the workbench’s “door”.

    • Right click the workbench to open it’s gui. Workbench gui will pause the game (to prevent item duplication). The gui consists of two parts: left 3×3 grid serves as material storage and is used for the automatic crafting, and the rest works as ordinary crafting table, with the difference that the last used recipe will be saved.

    • How to use:
      1. Right click the workbench
      2. Compose the recipe using the “crafting area”, but don’t remove the result
      3. Exit the gui
      4. Stuff the workbench using conveyor belts and it will eject products.
      5. If it doesn’t work, open the gui to see which items are missing (look at the left grid).

    • You’ll have to build 3 separate workbenches in order to make planks from any wood type (oak, pine and birch).

    • Automatic Workbench can be used even without the conveyor belts.
      Compose the recipe, insert full stacks of materials into the left grid, and leave the GUI. It will instantly craft as many products as possible.

  • Item Elevator
    • Item Elevator can move items, mobs and players upwards.

    • If there is a conveyor connected by side, and there is no elevator above, the items/mobs will be redirected to this elevator.

    • Elevator prevents items from despawning, and can store them in chests, furnaces, dispensers and automatic workbenches.

    • Items will successfully enter elevator, only if there is air or another elevator underneath.

    • You can make elevator redirect items to nearby conveyor, if you power it with redstone.

    For better information, have a look at this image:


  • Conveyors can be used in mob spawners instead of water.

  • Use them as a moving pavement for fast travelling.

  • You can create an item link from your mines into your home chest.

  • It is great for mob traps.

  • You can create incredibly complex factories & automatic forges and sorting stations with them.

  • Build buffets with automatic supply!

  • Create cooked porkchop factories using pig spawners.

  • If you run out of leather, as I did, you can use this line with CustomRecipes to craft the belt of paper:

Recipes are shown in the screenshots above.

Mod installation
  • Download & install ModLoader

  • Place this zip file, as is, into .minecraft/mods

Solving conflict with Kaevator’s SuperSlopesTo get this mod working, run minecraft once to create the property files, and then edit your .minecraft/redstone_divider.properties and change the ids to something else.
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