[Minecraft 1.7.3] Equivalent Exchange v3.0

To summarize: this mod allows you to transmute tons of materials into other materials (see recipe spoiler sections below) – it also adds many ability items to the game, a new set of tools and armor (in the Dark Matter section), item repair, a few useful blocks, and some special fuel. To see in more detail, check out the individual sections. You’ll get the idea, hopefully.
For installation help, there’s a readme included in the .rar file for the mod.
Note that this mod uses a properties file, located in your .minecraft directory, to store blockIDs. If you’re having block and item conflicts.. look here first!
Risugami’s ModLoader
Download Link:


Various bugfixes throughout, several a/b releases signifying I screwed stuff up.
3.0 – More lytes than your body has room for. Updated OP pending.
2.08a – fixes the dirt+seeds=grass recipe to require the Philosopher’s Stone. It also adds a cobblestone -> iron ore recipe to remove a step from the diamond process. 2.08b – Exploity recipe removed.

Mod items of alchemical power:
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-=Lifestone – heals you a single heart for 1 redstone.
-=Soulstone – Heals 20 hearts over time, somewhat rapidly. Use when taking lots of damage. Consumes 2 glowstone dust per activation.
-=Philosopher’s Stone - Used in almost all recipes. Also creates walls using dirt, stone, cobblestone, bricks, glass, obsidian, planks and sandstone. It’s fairly smart about placement. Try it and you’ll get a feel for it. Free to use limitlessly. And no, the stone is never “used up” in these recipes. It comes back every time. Don’t use it in a BuildCraft table though, see below in the “Essence” section, what items to use for your auto-crafting needs.
-=Destruction Catalyst - Destroys a 3×3 panel of blocks for 1 gunpowder. Used in a recipe.
-=Evertide – Infinite water bucket, free to use. Replaces water buckets in my recipes. Also allows you to walk on water and breathe underwater.
-=Volcanite – Infinite lava bucket, 2 redstone to use. Replaces lava buckets in my recipes. Also allows you to walk on lava and grants fire/lava immunity.
-=Base Ring – Used to make the other rings.
-=Grimarch’s Band - Launches up to 7 homing arrows, eating materials if arrows aren’t in your inventory. 14 dirt, ~5 stone/cobblestone, or 2 flint will yield a single arrow. It will try for all 7 each click. No worries if you have arrows, it uses them first.
-=Black Hole Band - Sucks up items within a 10 block bounding box. Also acts as an infinite empty bucket, sucking up source water and lava. Right click to start/stop. Free to use.
-=Ignition Ring - Launch a fireball that bursts a 3×3 area into flames (if those blocks are capable of sustaining the fire; fire cannot be sustained unless on wood/leaves without a block underneath). Consumes 1 redstone per cast. Grants fire/lava immunity while in inventory. Careful not to fall too far in lava, fall damage in lava still hurts.
-=Interdiction Ring - Creates a force that prevents entities from approaching 5 blocks of you, as well as deflecting skeleton arrows. Costs 1 redstone per 5 seconds. Right click to start/stop (it won’t eat redstone until the time on your last cast runs out)
-=Hyperkinetic Lens - Lobs a ball of energy that explodes on impact, breaking blocks and harming mobs. Costs 1 glowstone dust per use.
-=Evertide and Volcanite at reduced rates – Once you have made one, the hard way, you can make as many as you like with these reduced-cost recipes. Supply your aggregators with a more “hassle-free” source of materials!
-=SwiftWolf’s Rending Gale – Simply put, this item allows you to fly. It costs 1 redstone per ten seconds. The direction keys, except backwards, propel you fairly quickly. Space gives you some more elevation, while Left Shift causes you to descend. When used on the ground, it causes you to move a good bit faster than usual, but the cost is the same and jumping will start you flying.
-=Harvest Goddess Band – Automatically harvests fully grown crops, tall grass, flowers, mushrooms, cactus and reeds(both down to 1 block so they will still be able to grow back) within a 5 block area of the player. Also accelerates the growth of crops around you. Costs 1 redstone per ten seconds. It has a few other effects while inactive as well, growing grass on dirt, growing all crops at a reduced rate from the “active” ring, spreading flowers and mushrooms, or tallgrass, and accelerating the growth of cactuses and reeds somewhat sporadically.
VERY IMPORTANT: The Ignition Ring and the Volcanite MUST be in your quick-bar to grant you lava immunity! Do not make the mistake of jumping into a pool of lava thinking it will protect you from your inventory. IT WILL NOT.
Material recipes, fairly self explanatory – the blueish obsidian block that glass turns into is “Igneous”. It’s a fragile go-between for glass and obsidian, to seperate it from the higher tier materials in the exchange process:
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-=Alchemical Chest- Third block from the bottom on the left is a powerful chest that only takes a single block of space but holds 104 stacks of items. Can be placed by other chests.
-=Obsidian Aggregator- Just to the right of the alchemical chest is an aggregator that requires water and lava (in some form or another) to produce obsidian. The bottom left slot is for water buckets, the slot above it is for lava buckets. You can also use Evertide and Volcanite amulets instead. If you provide the “additional” slots to the left with a stack of coal and redstone, it will refill buckets with lava. If you’re using your Volcanite amulet, give it two stacks of redstone to achieve the same effect. New in 2.0+, you can also use Essences. It takes 12 minutes to aggregate 4 obsidian, but if you use your Volcanite, it takes a minute and twelve seconds off, because you’re made of win.
Fuel, the Nova Catalyst, and the Aggregator:
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-=Alchemical Coal - The red coal half-way down is alchemical coal, 8x the fuel potency of normal coal.
-=Mobius Fuel - The red coal with a lambda symbol on it is approximately 8x the fuel potency of alchemical coal. It is best used in a Dark Matter furnace, but required in several recipes.
-=(After Mobius Fuel), the recipe that seems to turn coal into coal is actually charcoal, allowing you to convert charcoal into coal for use in the other recipes.
-=Nova Catalyst - Second block from the bottom, is a powerful explosive that doesn’t harm the player, mobs or the items it creates. It has a big radius, so try not to use too many at once. There is a cheaper recipe to the right of this, requiring the Destruction Catalyst.
-=Aggregator - the second block from the bottom of the list, on the left. Can be set in the sun and supplied with redstone dust, converting it to glowstone dust. Dirt, stone and cobblestone convert into full glowstone blocks. Redstone takes 66 seconds, stone and cobblestone take 292 seconds, and dirt takes 300. You do the math, they’re almost exactly the same, but stone/redstone come out SLIGHTLY on top. Netherrack (286) and SoulSand (225!) added in one of the later versions.
Plant and miscellaneous recipes:
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Dark matter and subsequent recipes:
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-=Dark Matter Tools - These tools are indestructable, and 16% or more powerful than diamond.
-=Dark Matter Armor - This armor grants you near-invulnerability, should you finally don the full set. It requires a total of 864 diamonds to do so. Fun fact. Each piece is also unbreakable (self regenerating, rather. You may see a bar blink, but not for long)
-=Dark Matter Furnace - This has 9 input and output slots, and it loads/unloads automatically, allowing you to get the most possible use out of your new fuels.
BuildCraft “Essences”, allowing you to use almost all above recipes in BuildCraft’s auto tables:
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-=(Red) Lava Essence – Lava bucket substitute in ALL Equivalent Exchange recipes, and it also works in the Obsidian Aggregator. Note that you must have your volcanite to produce Lava Essence.
-=(Blue) Water Essence – Water bucket substitute in ALL Equivalent Exchange recipes, it works a bit differently from Lava Essence, in that it doesn’t require fuel (nor the Evertide, necessarily) – Having the Evertide allows you to exponentially increase the rate of Water Essence production.
-=(Purple) Philosopher’s Essence – Once you have your Philosopher’s Stone, you can produce these essences in mass quantity to use in BuildCraft’s auto-crating tables. Currently, any recipe except the reversal recipes and item repair/covalence dust recipes will accept the Philosopher’s Essence as a substitute for the actual Stone.
Item repair and covalence dust:
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Left column shows Low Covalence Dust, stone and leather material items and repair costs.
Middle column shows Covalence Dust, iron material items and repair costs.
Right column shows High Covalence Dust, for diamonds. Don’t tell me you were expecting gold.
At the bottom, flint and steel require Covalence Dust..
Fishing rod requires Low Covalence Dust.
Mob items, what more could you need?:
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The black wool in the recipes indicates any color wool can be used.
Else, the colored wool shows that 3 wool of any color transmutes into the dye of that respective wool. Theoretically you can obtain infinite lapis from blue sheep. Do you really have that kind of patience, though?

-=-Risugami, for your modloader, for your irc channel, and all your help with both.
-=-303, for homing arrows and BaseProjectile. You’re made of win.
-=-TheThirdMike, author of Garages, for his props file.
-=-iChun - I used the portal gun projectile for EntityPyrokinesis. Codewise, they’re.. suspiciously similar. XD
-=-Alblaka - ITNT was the model for Nova Catalyst, and I also use his “sun” image from solar collectors in my Aggregator.
-=-Nandonalt for teaching me that recipes will accept an itemstack with a “-1″ durability.
-=-SmallDeadGuy (xSmallDeadGuyx) for Diamond Furnace, which I used as a model for mine.
-=-Corosus for pointing out that ItemBucket.class contains a wealth of information on player heading.
-=-TehMorgeh for his “Earth Wand”, which I tore apart to make wall manipulation functions.
-=grimarchangel gets a special thanks for his item ideas, various pending ideas and also for taking the time and preparation to make videos for this mod.
-=Fudgy Fetus gets a special thanks for the activation sprites, representing the rings which require activations. This makes the items much more transparent in their usage.
-=-mDiyo, aymanar, zHESSTY, EternalDensity, HumdrumInsanity and other fans who have helped me balance and tweak my designs.
-=-genshou, for not calling my idea teh suck, when I was just starting.