[Minecraft 1.7.3] Legend of Zelda Majora’s Craft v2.80


Items I take sole credit for:
Water Bucket (MM Spring Water)
Bow (MM Hero’s Bow)
Wood Sword (MM Razor Sword)
Gold Sword (MM Gilded Sword)
Diamond Sword (MM Great Fairy’s Sword)
Glowstone Dust (OoT/MM Sun Switch)(wasn’t my work, now it is)
Cocoa Beans (OoT Deku Seeds)
Ink Sack (OoT Silver Scale)
Redstone Repeater (OoT/MM Sheikah Symbol)
Cake (Spirit Tracks Cake Passenger Car)
Shears (OoT Hookshot)
Map (OoT/MM Dungeon Map)
Map Being Held (OoT 3D Map Dungeon Map Screen)
Map Icons (OoT/MM)
Arrows (OoT/MM Arrows)
Flint (Black Rupee)
Roses (OoT next to child Princess Zelda)
Flowers (OoT Castle Grounds)
Brown Mushroom (OoT outside Young Link’s door)
Red Mushroom (OoT Odd Mushroom after giving Cojiro to the “Strange Man”)
Compass (OoT) (HD texture pack fix required to see this along with the Clock)
Iron (Kokiri Sword Metal)
Gold (MM Gold Dust)
Gunpowder (OoT/MM Bomb Bag)
Diamond (MM Moon’s Tear)
Porkchop (MM Rock Serloin)
Cooked Porkchop (MM Rock Serloin)
Saddle (Twilight Princess Yeto’s Hat)
Apple (OoT Poe)
Paper (OoT Claim Check)
Book (MM Bomber’s Notebook)
Sugar Cane (MM Deku Princess in a bottle)
Bones (OoT Skull Mask)
Snowball (MM Zora egg)
Slimeball (OoT Eye Drops)
Cookie (OoT Light Medallion)
Record (OoT Minuet of Forest music note icon)
Rare Record (OoT Requiem of Spirit note icon)
Trap Door (OoT Falling Platform from inside the Deku Tree)
Blocks I take sole credit for:
Bookshelf (OoT Lon Lon Milk Crate)(wasn’t my work, now it is)
Nether Rack (OoT Castle Gates modified)
Mob Spawner (OoT Fire Temple Door top)
Redstone Repeater (OoT/MM Sheikah Symbol)
TNT (MM Powder Keg)
Bed (OoT Kakariko Village Bed)
Cake (Spirit Tracks Cake Passenger Car)
Cake Middle (Minish Cap Slice of Cake)
Pumpkin (OoT/MM Mask of Truth)
Jack-O-Lantern (OoT/MM Gossip Stones)
Piston Base (OoT Fire Temple Face Blocks)
Piston Wood (Modified Treasure Chest Texture)
Sticky Piston Goo (Wind Waker Blue Chu Puddle)
Furnace (MM Zubora and Gabora’ Furnace)
Soul Sand (MM Mirror Sheild Face)
Dispensor (OoT/MM Eye Switch)
Crafting Table (OoT/MM Box)
Jukebox (OoT/MM Guru-Guru’s Music Box)
Note Block (OoT/MM Guru-Guru’s Music Box)
Treasure Chest (OoT/MM Treasure Chests)
Snowy Dirt
Long Grass/Shrub (OoT/MM Grass)
Dead Shrub (OoT Shrub seen right before entering Lake Hylia)
Gold Ore
Iron Ore
Redstone Ore
Lapis Lazuli Ore
Coal Ore
Diamond Ore
Redstone Ore
Adminium (MM Spring Water Cave texture)
Obsidian (OoT King Dodongo cooled lava after battle, recolored)
Glass (OoT Zelda’s Courtyard Windows)
MOBs I take sole credit for:
Slime (MM Chu-Chu)
Sheep (Twilight Princess Ordon Goats)
Chicken (OoT/MM Cucco)
Spider (OoT/MM Skulltula)
Pig Zombie (OoT Moblin)
Environment I take sole credit for:
Snow (OoT Snow at Zora’s Domain)
Icons, etc. I take sole credit for:
Heart Particles (OoT/MM Health)
Water Particles(wasn’t my work, now it is)
Mojang Logo (Majora’s Mask)
Fire Particles and Furnace Fire icon (OoT Flare Dancer’s Head)
Oocca Painting (M. C. Escher’s Painting “Another World”)
Link and Skull Kid painting (MM)
Hippo Painting (Link’s Awakening)
George Washington painting (Twilight Princess)
Font (OoT/MM Font)
Achievement BG
Clock Sun and Moon icons (MM clock) (HD texture pack fix required to see this along with the Clock)(still working on the bugs)
Minecraft Title Logo (MM Title)
Crosshair (Links Crossbow Training Crosshair)
Pumpkin Blur (OoT/MM Lens of Truth HUD)
Health (OoT/MM Health)
Armor Meter (OoT/MM Magic Meter)

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