BobTrainer is a bobby trainer for bobs. Many different functions were included purely for comfort and user-friendliness. Even though it is easy to use, it doesn’t lack any of the functions you would expect from a ChiLaX New Gen Trainer. BUT one aspect i was thinking about when creating this trainer was “What do we hackers actually need?”. Do we need 2 HP, MP bars in MS and in hour trainers? No. Do we need an EXP Timer actually? No. Do we need hacks like Sit everywhere in a trainer? HELL NO. So that’s why in this trainer there is only the most necessary and useful things, and IF there is others included it won’t be right at the start screen but somewhere in the last corner.
So what’s new?
Auto Update
Currently there are no hacks (even though i updated most of the hacks, but since there is no bypass i’d rather take them out so you can use it even without Full Bypass) in this trainer (except for Mouse Fly, what would a Trainer made by ChiLaX be without it’s epic MouseFly Function, now even easier to use). But the new Auto Update System allows me to upload this Pre-Release version. Once there is an update it will notice you and download the file onto your system harddrive. So you don’t have to check the forums everyday for new versions and can concentrate on playing Maplestory.
GUI and CPU Usage
Of course i reworked the GUI again. The major difference is the new Fast Activation System (which i tested in C-Train Pro) and the smaller and more compact Graphical User Interface. This trainer now fits right next to your maplestory no matter how small your screen is (As long as you’re not using a handy display). This also brings a great difference in CPU Usage and File Size. The file is way smaller and uses less CPU then C-Train Pro, it should not make you lag anymore and still has most of the functions.
Fast Activation System
In C-Train Pro i had a Beta Test of my Fast Activation System. Now i reworked it, fixed bugs and included every little bit of knowledge i got from the Tests. The Fast Activation is now no longer limited to the hacks, it includes the Auto Bot as well as many other features. And it can now serve it’s purpose a lot better because it’s right in the main screen. Once y0u have your settings set and ticked your hacks, just tick the checkboxes in the main window and you’re ready to go. Save the settings and you can start hacking in less then 5 clicks, whenever you open BobTrainer. BobTrainer automatically reminds you to load the Settings of your last usage. So that you don’t forget and accidently tick the boxes without loading before. Remember? User-friendly and comfortable!
Automatic Botting System
Every trainer has Auto Attack and Auto Loot and some more. But I felt like some things were missing for the perfect Botting experience when i was hacking with other trainers back then. So that’s why I included MANY features that enhance your botting possibilites. Customized Keys for now. Auto Revive, Auto Ap Distributor, Auto CC/CS, Auto Spawn/Teleport, Auto Face Left are only a few of all the automatic actions that my bot will do for you whenever y0u are at school or sleeping. Of course you can set the Delay of Auto CS to match your computer speed, so it will perfectly go to Cash Shop and leave it automatically.
ChiLaX Bobby Bob Trainer is the first trainer in EMS v73 Big Bang to have Kami (except for my Kami Trainer). It still needs some fixes but it got both, Kami and Kami Loot working. Some people confirmed that it works like a charm, for other’s it D/Cs a lot.
Multi Line Packet Spammer
Of course my trainer has a single line send and a multi line packet spammer with all the features you would want. Set any Delay between your Packets to your desire and spam them at the fastest delay possible. My Hex Converters will help you make your own packets, if you don’t use one of the many predefined packets, provided by Tryst and other’s from this forum.
Virtual Keyboard
I coded one whole day to create this tool that makes your hacking life easier then ever before.
Pre-Set Keys are so 2009 and ComboBoxes are so 2000 and 10. With this new Utility you can chose one of almost ALL keys that you have on your keyboard. When you open the Settings Window just click on the Key to set it your individual needs.
Auto Save/Load
BobTrainer automatically saves your settings whenever you close it and reminds you to load your settings whenever you start it. Of course you can manually Save/Load. The buttons are right on the Main Window, extra large, so you can’t miss it. I fixed many errors and tested this a lot, everything should work like you want it to.
Things to come:
Many features are going to come in the next days. Item Filter, Auto AP are ready to go, just need some small adjustments. Speed Hack is almost done. Currently fixing some of the bugs. (Credits to Highlights for his release). Dynamic AOBs will let you guys use the trainer right after a patch. I’m not sure about Big Bang patches as they’re very big and changes are fatal, but it will work for small patches. This and much more is going to come soon.
And the best part?It’s FREE! So get your copy now who knows how long it’s going to be!
Change Log:
- Fixed Kami Loot (Updated Item Hook and PTInrect Pointer) - Fixed a Bug with Kami Loot that it won't reset the Item Loot Counter. 27.07.2011: Updated to v73.2 After Minor Patch - Added 50 Sec Godmode (refound by me) - Fixed Smoke Godmode, Instant Drop and SS Mob Lag - ACCIDENTLY ENABLED SPEED HACK! DON'T USE IT AS IT CRASHES! - Added Stathook, and old Auto Potter/Auto Bot. Should work more smoothly now and works perfectly with the new Oppai Bypass (Tested). - Added Level Hook, it shows current Level right next to Map ID. - Added ITEM FILTER, tested, should be fully working now. - Added Auto Shutdown Level and Auto Shutdown Seconds, which can be found and directly activated in Auto Bot/Auto AP Settings Window. - Fixed Chat Message Generator in Packet Tools. Gives a valid working up-to-date Chat Packet now. - Added Auto Ap Distributor. - Fixed Kami and Mouse Fly. (Tested Kami for about half an hour without an D/C. Tried many different ways and Addys for like 3-4 hours and this is the best way i found to implement Kami. Everything should be fine now!) - Removed a lot of unnecessary code.
1. Inject the bypass that you can get from here right after you start Maplestory (even though i don’t recommend it. I think there’s a chance there is a jewhook in it).
2. Close your injector.
3. Inject Bob Trainer when you’re ingame.
Auto Update:
Whenever there is an Update notice you can agree to download the newest version. You should restart the application after pressing OK and use the new file which will be located at C://BobTrainer folder on your harddrive.
Trouble Shooting:
If you get an error when injecting then you should do this:
Deinstall all your .NET Files and Visual Studio Files.
Then install Visual C++ Redistributable 2010:
and .Net Framework 4.0
If this doesnt work then deinstall everything (including Maplestory) and install Maplestory, then
Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 and then .Net Framework.
If THAT doesn’t work for you try download Visual C++ Express 2010 and deinstall everything before that. If this doesnt help i have no solution for you.
Virus Scan:
D.R.T for Packet Sender Source. Ant3 for SendAddy. Highlights for his Speed Hack source. Me for coding everything else. Windows and God for EVERYTHING. And of course thanks to all of you guys for supporting me.