[Minecraft 1.7.3] [16x] Jolicraft v3.1 – Aether textures added

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— About Jolicraft ————————————
My name is Jolicoeur, so I called it Jolicraft. It’s pronounced “Jolly Craft” by the way. My name means “Happy Heart”, so I guess Jolicraft means “Happy Craft”. So maybe I should have called it HappyCraft, because I’m generally quite happy. But I’m not always happy. Sometimes I run out of wine. Sometimes there’s no hot water for my bath. Sometimes when I’m changing my son’s diaper, he pees on me.
Minecraft is a game about crafting the world around you. What better way to craft the world than to craft the very stuff the world is made of? I had a great time creating Jolicraft, it’s so addictive to create textures and see them live in your own world. I didn’t really intend to push the pack as far as I did, but damn this shit is addictive. It’s as addictive as Minecraft itself, which is saying alot.
This is Minecraft people. As with life, don’t take it too seriously. A good plentiful helping of Jolicraft will wash the dust away from your dreary world.
— Features ——————————————-
· Custom swirly smoke/explosion animation
· Strange & ominous “pumpkin” stones
· “Andre the Wanderer” character skin included (char.png in the mob folder)
· Built in WildGrass support
· All terrain items
· GUI & hud
· Moody custom clouds
· All Passive mobs
· All No-So-Passive mobs
· Boat, cart, sign, sun, moon, bed, pumpkinblur, biomes, et cetera, and more!
— Installing Jolicraft ———————————
Just download the zip and place it in your minecraft texture packs folder.
I ordinarily don’t approve of 16×16 texture packs that require a patcher, but I just can’t stand that ultramarine blue of the default water any more. It changes the look of the whole pack. So, head over and download MCPatcher. Just follow the “basic instructions” from that thread (I highly recommend choosing the ‘bettergrass’ option as well), and that’s it, Jolicraft will work as it should. Easy!
There are several alternate pngs in the zip, so if you’d like to use them simply remove the “_alt” from the file name. For example, if you want to use gui_alt.png instead of gui.png, delete gui.png and rename gui_alt.png to gui.png. The default Jolicraft has biome choices (very subtle). If you want vanilla Jolicraft without any biomes, delete “foliagecolor.png” and “grasscolor.png” from the “misc” folder of the zip, and remove the “_alt” from “foliagecolor.png” and “grasscolor.png”.
There are also many alternate textures in terrain_alt.png. I’m going to give some very simple instructions for this. If you need more help, please don’t ask in this thread. This isn’t a troubleshooting thread, this is a “Isn’t Jolicraft great?” and/or “Doesn’t Jolicraft suck?” thread. There’s lots of help out there for you if you search for it, or ask in the appropriate forum. INSTRUCTIONS: STEP1: extract terrain.png from jolicraft_x.x.zip. STEP2: Open terrain.png in your favorite image editing program (if you don’ t have a good one try Paint.NET, it’s free). STEP3: Find the texture you want to replace and delete it, find the replacement and highlight it, then move the replacement to the original texture’s position. STEP4: Save the file, and put the modified terrain.png in the zip and overwrite the one that’s in there. STEP5: Install the texture pack and your new texture should be there.
— Version History————————————–
· 3.7 – added alternate “decorative” art pack, added slimes & slime balls, several other small tweaks
Download Link:
